We’re on to days two and three, and Part 2 of Laura’s Life – In Skin, of the power serum trial I did in Northampton last month! But before we kick that off, I thought I’d dive into my skin when I was younger and reveal more about my confidence issues!
Power Serum Time!
It’s not only that I had psoriasis, which became an issue; it was the fact that my skin loved the Sun! I would walk out in the Sun for the day with my sunscreen on if that were a walk around Willen Lake (or a run, actually, one day we entered a fun run where we met Anthea Turner!) amongst the top people I’ve ever met including the Pope and Frazer Brookes! After a day out, I’d come home in a darker shade! Now, I’ve consistently grown up loving who I am and what I look like (even though this lesson took many years to actually “sink in”). My mum and dad always said as long as I love the clothes I wear, it doesn’t matter where I got them from; it doesn’t matter what I choose to look like as long as it’s decent. This has always stuck with me, and since day one, I’ve been a thrift shopper who loves a bargain, style, design, and being unique and eccentric. Even without knowing how much the power serum was, I knew Avon would give me affordability!
Growing up, I didn’t have spots; I only put on weight as I got to around 20-21, so all the bullies had left to play with was my insecurities and my creativity… I wouldn’t say I like calling myself empathetic because I feel like that does others an injustice; I shouldn’t label myself on someone else’s time of need. However, I do find myself wanting to help people all the time and ensuring that others are doing well no matter what! This put me in the firing line for many bullies as I would stand up (I’m Five foot one, so you can imagine how that went) and tell them it was wrong!
Which takes me nicely to my confidence in my skin. The only part of me that people didn’t look at and hate, the only part that people never sneered at.
Until I got my psoriasis.
I spent my whole school career getting bullied for everything other than my skin. Until I went to work and became an adult who quite often had skin complaints; I mean, I thought kids could be cruel, but adults are worse!
(Day 1 blog on the power serum trail if you want to hear about my shop experience when I was 17)
Since that day, I promised myself I would never use anything on my skin unless it were something I had researched, and I wouldn’t bring up the scars on my face. It would be even better if I found one that helped my ski, and in walks the Power Serum soon!
Jumping forward to 2019 (don’t worry, I’ll catch you up on the following years!) I found the Anew products by Avon; now, don’t get me wrong, other creams worked, but not at the price or quality that I wanted or needed. I started with the age-appropriate creams, and I just loved them! They are so affordable and easy to use, and best of all, they’re made specifically for Avon, who has over 700 patents, so I knew it could be trusted!
Over the years, I moved onto the Distillery when it was released – more on that later, as it’s so fantastic it might need a whole segment 😂 – and then I realised the power of serum and how it can target the actual complaints I have. Which was (and I’m embarrassed to say only a month ago!)
The Anew Renewal Power Serum was introduced to me by way of getting invited to the Avon Head Office for a trial where I’d be photographed before and after seven days to see what I thought of it (to be honest, I was baffled about what the fuss was about with the number 7 until I realised it was seven benefits in 7 days. That might be the clue)
I was sceptical because the previous serums I’ve used (Retinol) have always flared up my psoriasis or irritated my skin so much so my skin in patches would go red and be sore; I need not have worried as you can see, by Day 2 & 3 of my trial below!
Day two.
I woke up with power serum on my eyebrow 😂 on the plus side, I think my skin can take more, as it feels so good! I look brighter than usual, okay. I know it could be the whole pattern, but I can’t make up how fresh my skin feels or the compliments saying how bright I look! I did my eye creams first, as usual, then moved on to my serum, which feels so silky I don’t have to wash it off quickly like usual. I put two pumps of power serum on but thought I hadn’t covered my neck and face properly, so I used a little extra and massaged into my face and neck. It seems to take well today, and I now feel like I can start the day! I might even get out of my PJs 😂
The evening has come along, and I’m waiting to cleanse my face! It’s now becoming a daily habit and enjoyment to put this on. The usual nighttime regime of the Distillery whilst adding the power serum now. It still seems a lot with two squirts, but it all sinks into my skin, albeit I have a wet face. It soon feels so smooth and looks so good!
Day three.
I wake up to a sore back, but I know that’s not my face or power serum; it might be because we haven’t bought a new bed from the house move! We will build one like the one my studio was made from!
In the bathroom, I look surprised; my face does not look dull, I can’t see redness, I can’t see my usual blemishes, and it does not look rough like it usually does. I think what I was surprised about more was the fact it wasn’t feeling tight! I cleanse like usual and use my trusty eye creams. I’m getting used to the power serum now, which is a pleasure. I’ve always enjoyed skincare, but the serum is so pleasant to apply, and it helps that it isn’t too runny and so silky! It smells incredible, as Phil always mentions how good it smells; as soon as I walked into the conservatory, he realised I had done my face as he said how bright I looked, which is nice that he noticed. If I walked in naked, I’d usually struggle 😂
By the time it gets to the evening, my skin knows what it’s in for! If my face could smile, this is what it would look like. The power serum had had a party on my face!
I take the usual three pumps of power serum but spend longer massaging them in my skin as it feels great. I can already see a difference; it feels like it’s working if that relates!
I head to my bed, knowing that if this is the hardest, my skin needs work, I’m well up for it!
Rock on day four with Power Serum, and take a look at DAy 1 if you missed it! https://laurarocks.uk/avon/lauras-life-in-skin-part-1/
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