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Explore Category: Avon
Laura rocks smiling on stage for her accountability talk

From Sick Bin to Louboutins & Accountability

On Monday, the 29th of January 2024I, I stood on stage and delivered a new talk on Accountability through my story to a strong crowd of 600 +! The moment had come; I
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Laura Rocks broadcasting live with former Harlem Globetrotter Herb Lang

Shadows to Spotlight: My Empowerment & MADCAT Journey

Welcome to my new adventure with my number 1 resource, MADCAT, with heaps of empowerment. A space where my journey, insights, and growth of empowerment converge to—Laura Rocks’ official website. Here, I’m unfolding
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Avon Milton Keynes

Avon Beauty – My Beginning

And Then Entered AVON Beauty….. booooty! Avon Beauty has a rich and empowering history that not many people are aware of! 34 years before women in the U.S earned the right to vote,
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Avon Shop

The Virtual Avon Lady

In the age of Design thinking , we must remember that even business is a business. A market trader - to Apple, An Avon Lady - to Debenhams!
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